The TAROE Pilot Study from the People, Place, and Health Collective is funded by the COBRE on Opioids and Overdose, and is a collaboration with the Department of Psychology at the University of Rhode Island, College of Health Sciences. The TAROE Pilot Study will be looking at how stressful overdose incidents are for people that aren’t professional first responders by interviewing people who use drugs or are in recovery, peer support specialists, family and friends, and other community members.
Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies
April 26, 2021
Jacka Launches TAROE Pilot Study
Dr. Brendan Jacka launched his very first study as a Principal Investigator (PI), The TAROE Pilot Study, where Dr. Jacka and his team will be looking at the experiences of layperson (non-professional) responders to opioid overdose incidents, including stress response following.