The lack of integration of addiction treatment with other health care services presents distinct challenges for people with higher levels of OUD treatment needs who require SNF care. Since inpatient SUD treatment programs are not currently classified as medical facilities, a status that some in the SUD treatment sector defend to avoid increased regulation and cost, they do not address medical and rehabilitation needs as part of their services. Medically-enhanced addiction treatment programs should be options for people with OUD.
Dr. David Zelaya recently published "Psychometric validation and extension of the LGBT people of Color Microaggressions Scale with a sample of sexual minority BIPOC college students" in the journal Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. Dr. Zelaya's research provides further rigorous statistical support and evidence for researchers and clinicians to use the LGBT People of Color Microaggressions Scale. Additionally, findings from the study allows for more nuanced ways to capture the frequency (i.e., within the past year and lifetime) and appraisal of stress associated with intersectional forms of discrimination.
Matthew Meisel had a paper accepted for publication in the journal BMC Psychology. In the manuscript, in a sample of emerging adults who never attended 4-year college, the authors found that most of the sample experienced some form of education-based stigma and discrimination and that these experiences were associated with worse mental health symptoms.
Dr. Lauren Micalizzi, along with Brown University co-authors, recently published their manuscript "A psychometric assessment of the Brief Situational Confidence Questionnaire for Marijuana (BSCQ-M) in juvenile justice-involved youth" in Addictive Behaviors.
Highlights of the manuscript include: the study provided the first test of the psychometric properties of the BSCQ-M; findings indicated a three-factor structure; BSCQ-M scores showed convergent validity with past 30-day cannabis use; and the BSCQ-M can be implemented quickly and effectively among justice involved youth.
Dr. Kelli Scott and collaborators at CAAS and the Brown University Center for Evidence Synthesis in Health recently published, "Pharmacotherapy interventions for adolescent co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders: a systematic review" in Family Practice. Findings from the review suggest that pharmacotherapy for mental health is insufficient for addressing substance use, suggesting the need for additional intervention for teens with substance use problems.
Co-authors include: Drs. Sara Becker, Sarah Helseth, Ian J Saldanha, Ethan M Balk, Gaelen P Adam, Kristin J Konnyu, Dale W Steele
Dr. Nathan Kearns recently published a new first-author manuscript "Effects of bodily arousal on desire to drink alcohol among trauma-exposed college students" in Alcohol.
Generally, findings suggest that bodily arousal may only serve as an implicit, trauma-relevant interoceptive cue that increases desire to drink within a specific subset of trauma-exposed college students (i.e., individuals indexing interpersonal trauma).
In a new paper, Dr. Tara White and Meg Gonsalves propose that human rights are deeply rooted in human brain science, which provides a novel evidentiary base informing the universality, scope, and content of human rights and their relationship to human dignity. Their paper, "Dignity neuroscience: universal rights are rooted in human brain science" was published in Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences on August 5, 2021.
Assistant Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Dr. Aditya Khanna, recently published in the journal Mathematical and Biosciences and Engineering.
Postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Samuel Meisel, has two new first-author publications with CAAS faculty and former postdoctoral fellow co-authors in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology and Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
Dr. Kelli Scott recently published a manuscript titled, "Implementation support for contingency management: preferences of opioid treatment program leaders and staff" in Implementation Science Communications.
Dr. Helseth recently published manuscript: "What parents of adolescents in residential substance use treatment want from continuing care: A content analysis of online forum posts."
School of Public Health faculty, Drs. Murphy, Micalizzi, Sokolovsky, and Risica, along with colleagues, recently published an article titled "Motivational Interviewing Telephone Counseling to Increase Postpartum Maintenance of Abstinence from Tobacco" in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment.
Angela Stevens, PhD, CAAS Postdoctoral Fellow, recently published, "Examining motivational pathways from adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms to cannabis use: Results from a prospective study of veterans" in Psychology of Addictive Behaviors with co-authors, Drs. Gunn, Jackson, Borsari, and Metrik.
Dr. Lauren Micalizzi, Assistant Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences, published, "A Sibling-comparison Study of Smoking During Pregnancy and Risk for Reading-related Problems" in Neurotoxicology and Teratology.
Brendan Jacka, PhD, Investigator in Epidemiology, recently published, "Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare access among patients receiving medication for opioid use disorder" in Drug and Alcohol Dependence along with co-authors, Dr. Sara Becker, Dr. Tim Janssen, Julia Yermash, and colleagues from RTI International and University of Washington.
Dr. Patricia Cioe's manuscript titled, "Personalized feedback improves cardiovascular risk perception and physical activity levels in persons with HIV: results of a pilot randomized clinical trial" was recently published in AIDS Care!
Drs. Rachel Gunn, Kristina Jackson, Alexander Sokolovsky, Angela Stevens, and Jane Metrik recently published a manuscript examining the effects of substance use ordering on consumption during alcohol and cannabis co-use days.
"Changes in alcohol consumption among college students due to COVID-19: Effects of campus closure and residential change" was both published and featured in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.
Dr. Jennifer Merrill & former CAAS Postdoc Dr. Carpenter recently published a manuscript on the impact of not only amount, but also rate of alcohol consumption during drinking events, on alcohol-related consequences.
Dr. Treloar Padovano recently published an article in Psychological Science titled, "The Altered Course of Learning: How Alcohol Outcome Expectancies are Shaped by First Drinking Experiences" with co-authors, Drs. Tim Janssen, Alexander Sokolovsky, and Kristina M. Jackson.
Dr. Carolina L. Haass-Koffler was recently published in Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research Journal for her paper, "Differences in Sociodemographic and Alcohol‐Related Clinical Characteristics Between Treatment Seekers and Nontreatment Seekers and Their Role in Predicting Outcomes in the COMBINE Study for Alcohol Use Disorder."
Dr. Tara White and her White Lab Team just published a groundbreaking new paper on brain compounds signalling emotional wellness in healthy people in NeuroImage!
Dr. Treloar Padovano recently published a paper titled, "Incubation of alcohol craving as it naturally occurs in a developmentally diverse sample of dependent and nondependent drinkers" in Addiction Biology!
Drs. Jennifer Tidey & Patricia Cioe recently worked in collaboration with colleagues at Vermont Center on Behavior and Health and Johns Hopkins University on a study that found lowering nicotine decreases addictiveness of smoking in vulnerable populations!
Dr. Rachel Gunn was recently published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence with her paper, "Ordering in alcohol and cannabis co-use: Impact on daily consumption and consequences" with co-authors, Drs. Alexander Sokolovsky, Angela K. Stevens, Jane Metrik, Helene White, and Kristina Jackson.
Dr. Jacob van den Berg and his team have a paper entitled: "A systematic review of early adoption of implementation science for HIV prevention or treatment in the United States" that was just published in the journal AIDS. The manuscript was led by Dr. Sylvia Shangani, a former PhD student in the Behavioral and Social Sciences department, who just graduated and started a tenure track job at Old Dominion University this fall plus two undergraduates at Brown, Nidhi Bhaskar and Natasha Richmondand, and Drs. Don Operario and Jacob van den Berg.
Congratulations to the Director of the New England ATTC, Dr. Sara Becker, on this landmark publication in Pediatrics "Brief Behavioral Interventions for Substance Use in Adolescents: A Meta-analysis."
Treloar Padovano and Robert Miranda published a paper in Addiction Biology showing that craving when in the presence of visible alcohol cues in the natural environment intensified with more days of continuous abstinence, specifically among drinkers with dependence. This work supports the phenomenon described as "incubation of craving," wherein longer periods of abstinence enhance cue-elicited craving in animal analogue models of dependence.
Dr. Rachel Cassidy published a paper on E-cigarette measurement. This paper validated a measure of reward from e-cigarette use in users of tank-style e-cigarettes.
Dr. Kate Carey and colleagues published paper entitled "Correcting Exaggerated Drinking Norms With a Mobile Message Delivery System: Selective Prevention With Heavy-Drinking First-Year College Students." They sent 10 weeks of daily text messages containing accurate campus drinking norms to first year college students. At the end of the semester, students who received the norms texts drank less and reported fewer alcohol consequences that students who received daily texts with neutral content.
Congratulations to Sara Becker and Sarah Helseth on their new publication in Substance Abuse! Studying moderators of treatment outcome is important to help match patients to treatment. This study found that families with poor parent-teen communication and those with low levels of deviant peer affiliation had better outcomes if the parent received a brief motivational intervention than if they received brief education.
Jacob van den Berg just had a paper that published in the Journal of Adolescent Health, titled "Transmission Risk Among Youth Living With HIV in the U.S."
Dr. Rachel Gunn recently published a paper titled "Complex cannabis use patterns: Associations with cannabis consequences and cannabis use disorder symptomatology" in the journal Addictive Behaviors. This paper examined the evolving cannabis use landscape by using latent class analysis to classify cannabis users from three college campuses across the U.S.
Dr. Patricia Cioe and CAAS colleagues were notified that A PILOT STUDY TO EXAMINE THE ACCEPTABILITY AND HEALTH EFFECTS OF ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES IN HIV-POSITIVE SMOKERS has been accepted for publication in Drug and Alcohol Dependence. This is the first study to examine the use of electronic cigarettes as a method of harm reduction in HIV-positive smokers who are unable or unwilling to quit smoking. The study demonstrated that cigarettes smoked per day were reduced by more than 80% overall and 37% of participants completely transitioned to e-cigs, completely eliminating combustible tobacco.
Cara Murphy was a contributor on the now published book: Compulsive Eating Behavior and Food Addiction: Emerging Pathological Constructs edited by Dr. Cottone, Dr. Sabino, Dr. Moore, and Dr. Koob