Professor and Chair of the Department of Behavioral and Brain Sciences and Scientific Director of Alcohol Research Center on HIV (ARCH), Christopher Kahler, was invited, and accepted, to join the American Psychologist Editorial Board.
Dr. Lauren Micalizzi, Assistant Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences, published, "A Sibling-comparison Study of Smoking During Pregnancy and Risk for Reading-related Problems" in Neurotoxicology and Teratology.
Brendan Jacka, PhD, Investigator in Epidemiology, recently published, "Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare access among patients receiving medication for opioid use disorder" in Drug and Alcohol Dependence along with co-authors, Dr. Sara Becker, Dr. Tim Janssen, Julia Yermash, and colleagues from RTI International and University of Washington.
Brown CAAS Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. David G. Zelaya, was invited, and accepted, to join the editorial board for the Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity (PSOGD; 2021-2023).
Dr. Kristina Jackson received the notice of award for her R01, "Understanding Adolescent In-Vivo Exposure to Alcohol Content in the Media" from the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Dr. Christy Capone, received a grant from the Providence VA's Center for Neurorestoration and Neurotechnology.
Assistant Professor and New England ATTC Evaluation Director, Dr. Kelli Scott, recently published a manuscript in Translational Issues is Psychological Science using qualitative methods to explore stigma among health professionals providing treatment for opioid use disorder.
Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior and Behavioral and Social Sciences, Dr. Suzanne Colby, along with Brown University, Deparment of Behavioral and Social Sciences PhD Alumni, Dr. Rachel Denlinger-Apte, recently co-chaired a virtual conference for the Society of Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) entitled "E-Cigarettes and Health Equity".
Dr. Hayley Treloar Padovano recentely received a grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences - COBRE grant P20GM130414 (PI: Monti) Replacement Project 3!
Dr. Molly Magill's work from NIAAA-funded projects (R21, AA023662; K23, AA018126) on mechanisms of Motivational Interviewing was recently cited and linked in a New York Times piece on the use of Motivational Interviewing to speak with those opposed to vaccinations. The article, "The Science of Reasoning with Unreasonable People" was published on January 31st, 2021. Collaborators on the featured project include Jacques Gaume, Timothy Apodaca, Justin Walthers, Nadine Mastroleo, Brian Borsari, and Richard Longabaugh.
Our new staff member, Audrey Bell, is a recent William and Mary Psychology graduate joining Dr. Robert Miranda's research team as a Research Assistant. In the lab, Audrey will be working on studies involving medication treatment for adolescents with alcohol use disorder!
Dr. Patricia Cioe's manuscript titled, "Personalized feedback improves cardiovascular risk perception and physical activity levels in persons with HIV: results of a pilot randomized clinical trial" was recently published in AIDS Care!
CAAS Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Nathan Kearns, was recently published in Addictive Behaviors! His manuscript focused on the effect of acute trauma-related stress after alcohol consumption on perceived likelihood of negative driving-related consequences (i.e., getting in an accident, getting pulled over) and willingness to drive.
Drs. Rachel Gunn, Kristina Jackson, Alexander Sokolovsky, Angela Stevens, and Jane Metrik recently published a manuscript examining the effects of substance use ordering on consumption during alcohol and cannabis co-use days.
Dr. Cara Murphy is the second author of "Multidimensional elements of impulsivity as shared and unique risk factors for food addiction and alcohol misuse" published in Appetite.
Jasjit S Ahluwalia, MD, MPH, MS, professor of behavioral and social sciences and medicine, was invited to serve on FDLI’s 2021 Tobacco and Nicotine Products Committee!
Dr. Sara Becker presented at the 13th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health, co-hosted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and AcademyHealth.